
利用Python绘制论文图片: Gnuplot,pylab

python 生成 数据,gnuplot/pylab 画图, 嵌入到latex。 这里:python 调用 gnuplot 画图,set output 到 png or latex.

首先,安装数值计算包 numpy, scipy

1. NumPy 1.04 : numpy is a new version of numarray. numpy,已替代Numeric.

sudo apt-get install python-numpy

import numpy

2. SciPy library depends on NumPy

install scipy: (only for optimized package using LPAS, since numpy contains it.)

然后,安装 gnuplot 或者 pylab

安装PyLab: plotting with the pylab module from matplotlib, depending on numpy. free from: http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/

sudo apt-get install python-matplotlib
import math
import pylab # a new name of matplotlib

安装python-gnuplot module
(by Michael haggerty http://gnuplot-py.sourceforge.net/)

sudo apt-get install python-gnuplot

参考书 python scripting for computational science.pdf
