


libsecexe.so 梆梆加固

libAPKProtect.so APKProtect加固,

libprotectClass.so 360加固,

libNSaferOnly.so 通付盾加固,

libnqshield.so 网秦加固,

libshell.so 腾讯加固,

ijiami.dat 爱加密加固,

libddog.so 娜迦加固,

libmobisec.so 阿里加固,

libbaiduprotect.so 百度加固


Virtualization on Android OS


Virtualisation on Android OS:
  1. OKL4 Microvisor from Open Kernel Labs.  VMM runs on highest privilege, virtualising: processor(instructions,registers), memory, I/O. The other applications run on light-weight lower level.
  2. VLX from VirtualLogix.
  3. Mobile visor platform (MVP) from VMware, offering a hypervisor on smart mobile phones

Linux Container.

major difference between hypervisor and V-OS:
  hypervisor lies between OS and hardware, while V-OS lies above OS level. so the security of V-OS actually heavily depends on protection/obfuscation on application code.

major difference btw. security method of V-OS and app-wrapping:

Problems: the purpose of security is not very clear. what does V-OS want to protect?
algorithm/implementation or sensitive data. code obfuscation can only improve the difficulty of reverse engineering (sometimes it is sufficient). if it is sensitive data, no absolute secure solution without hardware isolation support. the best effort may be to provide multiple layer securities.


轻量级C Compiler比较


结论: lcc比较适合用来写新的architecture, 即retargetable compiler. lcc规模较小,各个模块边界清晰,而且宏少,使用经验多,还有教程。 依赖少, 较易移植。缺点是不支持ARM处理器。

LCC - little C compiler
arch: x86, mips, alpha, sparc, microsoft cil
implement: ANSI C
license: LCC license
written in C
last release: sept. 2002

TCC - tiny C compiler, 
arch: X86 + ARM processor,
license: LGPL licence
implement all ANSI C(C89/C90), much of C99, many GNU C extensions including inline assembly
written in C and assembly
last release: feb. 2013

PCC: portable c compiler
arch: x86, x64
implement: C99
license: BSD
written in: C

retarget 一般放在backend做 code generation产生 machine code.

比如一个例子: 将tinycc编译retarget to a virtual processor I designed.
则必须要实现一个code generator backend for this architecture, 类似于目录下的
i386-gen.c, arm-gen.c, and c67-gen.c 文件实现。

注意:there are apparently some issues with byte ordering, such
that the compile and target hosts must have the same endianness if you
want the output to be sensible. But I don't know if that's due to the
the *-gen implementation itself or part of the core compiler code.

另外针对 assembler, tcc does not normally generate any intermediate assembly; it goes
directly from C code to object code.

lcc code generator is based on the lburg. Some retarget examples:

retargetable C compiler for network processor

A PDP-11 target for lcc

Retargeting lcc for Magic-1

vcode or tick cc
vcode: a retargetable, extensible, very fast dynamic code generation system,
This paper appeared in PLDI '96. Slides are available here .
vcode is a portable system to generate executable code at runtime. It generates code in approximately 10 instructions per generated instruction, and is easily extendible by clients. A tutorial describing it can be obtained by clicking here. A beta version of the system is also available. To get on the vcode mailing list, please email engler@lcs.mit.edu. Click here for a bit more information. 

`C and tcc: A Language and Compiler for Dynamic Code Generation,

Quake 3

id Software's id Tech 3 engine relies on a modified version of LCC to compile the source code of each game module or third-party mod into bytecode targeting its virtual machine.[6] This means that modules are oblivious to the system beyond the system calls and limited file system scope offered by the engine, which is intended to reduce the threat posed by malicious mod authors. Another consideration is that games and mods written for the engine are portable without recompilation; only the virtual machine needs to be ported to new platforms in order to execute the modules.

id Tech 3 uses a virtual machine to control object behavior on the server, effects and prediction on the client and the user interface. This presents many advantages as mod authors do not need to worry about crashing the entire game with bad code, clients could show more advanced effects and game menus than was possible in Quake II and the user interface for mods was entirely customizable.

Virtual machine files are developed in ANSI C, using LCC to compile them to a 32-bit RISC pseudo-assembly format. A tool called q3asm then converts them to QVM files, which are multi-segmented files consisting of static data and instructions based on a reduced set of the input opcodes. Unless operations which require a specific endianness are used, a QVM file will run the same on any platform supported by Quake 3.

The virtual machine also contained bytecode compilers for the x86 and PowerPC architectures, executing QVM instructions via an interpreter.


Object-C Code Obfuscators

iOS application protection

关键代码把核心逻辑尽量放在c层, 这样还有一个好处是iOS和android可以公用.


Protection Techniques:
  1. Control flow obfuscation e.g. ARM instruction flows are mangled with redundant instructions to try to hide the original purpose of the code,
  2. Class and Method renaming - renames your methods and classes to meaningless names although you have to be careful where this is used as you can easily break your app because the Objective-C runtime is expecting to find certain names,
  3. String encryption - all static strings in the app are encrypted and code is inserted to decrypt the strings just before use in order to make static analysis harder
  4. Anti-debug - code is inserted to break the usual debuggers (not always successfully),
  5. Anti-tamper - usually builds a network of checksums that protect the binary code from modification,
  6. Objective-C runtime protection - usually checks obj-c registered method implementations to make sure that they are in the app and haven't been 'swizzled'. 
  7. encrypt constant, strings, decrypt in real-time
  8. encrypt local stored files

Detection Techniques:
  • detect debug status
  • detect jail-break status
  • integrity check of data or piece of code

Object-C code obfuscators:
  • EnsureIT for Apple iOS
  • Contaxiom Code Protection
  • Arxan,
  • Metaforic,
  • Cryptanium
  • iOS class-guard to rename class /method names

RE tools:
  • class-dump
  • gdb
  • IDA pro/hopper disassembler


关于ARM的built-in security

iOS和Android smartphone 的ARM芯片都内置实现了TrustZone技术,提供TEE安全运行环境(包含TrustedOS和硬件支持), 与Android OS隔离,因此理论上可以彻底阻止软件层面上来的攻击。 这里TrustedOS可以看作一个Hypervisor,监视上层的”TrustedAPP”.

因为TrustedOS属于定制build和安装,它是不能从app store上下载的,所以应用提供者还必须将智能手机定制为TrustedOS firmware才可以使用. 看起来移植性不太好哈,不过还是可以做一个支持通用接口的TEE kernel用来安装其他认证应用。Trustonic和三星就在做。

当然ARM也不落后,针对64-bit ARMv8 系列芯片,它给出了一个开源的项目(BSD license) the source code is available on Github.

OVOS : http://www.openvirtualization.org/  也是隔离了secure world and normal world.




Linux environment setup

ubuntu 14.04 64-bit virtual machine on virtual box
1. shared folder:   in virtual box setting, create two shared folder “Documents”, “Downloads” on mac os, set full r/w rights and permanent. then in unbuntu’s mnt directory you will see “sf_Downloads” and “sf_Documents” ( with AdditionIn package installed ).
2. however, you may need to run “sudo adduser fanghui vboxsf” to add yourself to vboxsf group, and restart ubuntu guest.

android apktool
1. Check java 1.7 installed or not
       $java -version
       $sudo apt-get install default-jre  (or openjdk-7-jre)

2. Download Linux wrapper script (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iBotPeaches/Apktool/master/scripts/linux/apktool,  Right click, Save Link As apktool)

3. Download apktool-2 (https://bitbucket.org/iBotPeaches/apktool/downloads, find newest here)

4. Make sure you have the 32bit libraries (ia32-libs) downloaded and installed by your linux package manager, if you are on a 64bit unix system.
(This helps provide support for the 32bit native binary aapt, which is required by apktool)

5. Rename downloaded jar to apktool.jar

6. Move both files (apktool.jar & apktool) to /usr/local/bin (root needed)
Make sure both files are executable (chmod +x)

7. Try running apktool via cli
   example:   $apktool d flappy-bird.apk
  will unzip the file structure
  find “Fake Flappy birds on Android” on http://androidmalwaredump.blogspot.sg/

   download dex2jar from http://sourceforge.net/projects/dex2jar/files/
   extract to a folder
        $unzip -x dex2jar-2.0.zip  -d /home/your_folder
   convert apk to jar file  ( you might need chmod +x d2j* )
        $sh /home/your_folder/dex2jar-2.0/d2j-dex2jar.sh  flappy_bird.apk

    download from jd.benow.ca
  it is a jar file “jd-gui-1.1.0.jar", so run with
     $java -jar jd-gui-1.1.0.jar
 a gui will pop up.

jad is a decompiler tool similar to jd-gui, except command line.
download from http://varaneckas.com/jad/
somehow i cannot run jad 1.5.8e for linux on intel, so i choose jad 1.5.8e for linux (statically linked) instead.

boomerang (not mature)
download boomerang-linux-alpha-0.3 from http://boomerang.sourceforge.net/download.php
it requires libgc. when I try to run the program, I get this error:
./boomerang: error while loading shared libraries: libgc.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

You need to install libgc, something like

sudo apt-get install libgc1c2
sudo apt-get install libgc1c2:i386 
  (for 64-bit linux)

boomerang also requires libexpat1
sudo apt-get install libexpat1:i386


Note: run 32-bit executable on 64-bit linux

use “file file_name” to view exe type.

file-name: ELF 32-bit LSB  executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, not stripped

firstly install ia32-libs.
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.0

To run 32bit executable file in a 64 bit multi-arch Ubuntu system, you have to add i386 architecture and also you have to install libc6:i386,libncurses5:i386,libstdc++6:i386 these three library packages.
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386
sudo ./file-name