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Name & Example Data & Description \\

Sentence Identifier & \$GPGGA & GPS Fix Data \\
Time & 031145.999 & 03:11:45.999 UTC \\
Latitude & 0120.3055, N & 1 degree 20.3055 minutes North \\
Longitude & 10346.6611, E & 103 degree 46.6611 minutes East \\
Fix Quality &1& Data is from a GPS fix \\
Number of Satellites &05& 5 Satellites are in view \\
Horizontal Dilution of Precision &00.0& Relative accuracy of horizontal position \\
Altitude &163.3, M& 163.3 meters above mean sea level \\
Height above WGS84 ellipsoid & 156.2, M& 156.2 meters \\
Time since last DGPS update &blank& No last update \\
DGPS reference station id &blank& No station id \\
Checksum &*6F& Checksum for transmission errors \\

